(140-VFROTT) VFR OTT Rating Ground School
The VFR OTT Rating Ground School covers all knowledge requirements for issuance of the VFR Over-The-Top Rating. (Must be combined with in-flight training to obtain the rating.)
1.0 - VFR OTT Rating Overview
1.1 - VFR OTT Rating - Lesson 1 - Rules and Regulations
1.2 - VFR OTT Rating - Lesson 2 - Radio Theory
1.3 - VFR OTT Rating - Lesson 3 - VOR Navigation
1.4 - VFR OTT Rating - Lesson 4 - ADF and GPS Navigation
1.5 - VFR OTT Rating - Lesson 5 - Reading IFR LO Charts
1.6 - Mandatory Additional Readings
1.7 - VFR OTT Rating - Mandatory Exam